Douglas County
Douglas County manages a comprehensive stormwater program that covers the following Minimum Control Measures (MCM’s) required by the Phase II Standard Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit. These MCM’s include:
1. Public Education and Outreach
2. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE)
3. Construction Sites
4. Post-Construction Stormwater Management
5. Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations
Douglas County’s stormwater program provides public education, outreach on the impacts of nutrients in water bodies, and other focused outreach which provides information on proper disposal of yard waste and other pollutants for businesses and residents.
o Safeguard the public welfare and environmental health through the management of all aspects of the stormwater program;
o Ensure compliance with all applicable water quality regulations related to stormwater runoff;
o Ensure that all County stormwater facilities are functioning and well maintained;
o Ensure sound management and regulation of County floodplains and riparian zones;
o Protect overall water quality of the County’s water resources; and
o Integrate recreational opportunities and facilities into drainage way planning, where feasible.
Toxic household products can be harmful to pets, wildlife, sanitation workers, our health, and the environment if poured down the drain, toilet or storm sewer, or put in the trash. You can properly dispose of and recycle toxic products from your home with Douglas County’s Household Hazardous Waste Collection Program. Douglas County residents are eligible for one collection appointment per calendar year.
In place of a one-time annual event, the Douglas County Health Department is partnering with Waste Management to provide Douglas County residents with a low-cost household service for hazardous waste removal year-round. Get details and sign up for your household pick-up at Waste Management’s website.
Please note a $30 co-payment is required from the resident for each appointment.
Douglas County staff ensures that illicit or unpermitted discharges are eliminated, cleaned up properly, and reported to the proper agency when applicable.
The Grading, Erosion, and Sediment Control (GESC) Manual provides the requirements for temporary erosion and sediment controls and final stabilization for regulated construction activities.
The Storm Drainage Design and Technical Criteria Manual provides guidance to design engineers for the effective management of stormwater and construction design elements of stormwater systems. Operation and Maintenance templates are provided for the long-term post-construction management of stormwater facilities.
Inadequate stormwater management can result in flooding, infrastructure and property damage, excessive soil erosion, degraded water quality in potable water supply reservoirs and other water bodies and can negatively impact recreational fish and wildlife resources.