Highlands Ranch Water
Highlands Ranch Water is the water and wastewater provider in Highlands Ranch. They provide high-quality water through the state-of-the-art Joseph B. Blake Water Treatment Plant located in Highlands Ranch. Wastewater is also treated at the Marcy Gulch Wastewater Treatment Plant to meet stringent water quality standards before it is discharged.
Centennial Water strives to ensure that our water resources are used wisely. Centennial Water’s strategy is to optimize the use of surface water. Over the past 25 years 90 percent of the water supplied has come from renewable river supplies.
Highlands Ranch residents are fortunate to have two water supply sources — the South Platte River to the west, and a massive aquifer underlying our region. Centennial can combine supplies from both sources to optimize the reliability, quality and cost-effectiveness of water. This joint use of renewable water with our vast underground aquifer allows Centennial Water to operate a true conjunctive use system. As a result, aquifers have been annually recharged for more than 10 years.
Highlands Ranch Water regularly maintains its infrastructure to ensure safe, sustainable, and reliable water and wastewater utility services to customers. Projects are designed with the least impact and disruption to customers as possible.
Chesapeake Pipeline Replacement Project
In an effort to maintain high-quality water service to the community of Highlands Ranch, Highlands Ranch Water replaced approximately 2,000 linear feet of water pipeline in Chesapeake Lane and Chesapeake Place. The purpose of this project was to replace an aging pipeline that has experienced an increased incidence of repairs over the last several years.
The project required the existing pipeline to be excavated and removed prior to the placement of the new water main. Water service to homes was provided through the use of a temporary water system. The replacement took place in phases and the public street remained open using traffic control during construction hours.