
Virtual ONLY: CWA Technical Advisory Committee Monthly Meeting
The CWA Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is a standing committee of the Authority that reports to the CWA Board and performs duties and tasks as the Board directs to the extent requested by the Board. The TAC shall consider and report to the Board on all Authority matters of a scientific or technical nature. The Technical Advisory Committee's findings and recommendations on these matters are forwarded to the Board for full consideration. Meeting agenda and materials will be available three business days prior to the meeting.
Virtual Room
Meeting ID
Phone Numbers
(US)+1 423-707-2672
PIN: 464 383 456#
Chatfield Watershed Authority Schedule 2025 - Revised 2.19.2025
CWA Board Meeting
Regular meetings of the CWA Board are held quarterly or at other regular intervals and at such time and place as determined by the Board. The Board may provide by resolution the time and place within the State of Colorado for the holding of regular meetings. All the meetings of the Board, other than executive sessions, are open to the public. No vote or other formal action shall be taken in any session which is closed to the general public.
Meeting agenda and materials will be available three business days prior to the meeting.
US Army Corps of Engineers
9307 S Wadsworth Blvd.
Littleton, CO 80127
Chatfield Watershed Authority Schedule 2025 - Revised 2.19.2025

HYBRID: CWA Technical Advisory Committee Monthly Meeting
This will be a HYBRID meeting. You may attend live or virtually.
The live meeting will be held at:
2330 S Ste I25, Castle Rock, CO, 80104
The TAC meeting will be followed by a tour of the
East Plum Creek Restoration Project
The CWA Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is a standing committee of the Authority that reports to the CWA Board and performs duties and tasks as the Board directs to the extent requested by the Board. The TAC shall consider and report to the Board on all Authority matters of a scientific or technical nature. The Technical Advisory Committee's findings and recommendations on these matters are forwarded to the Board for full consideration. Meeting agenda and materials will be available three business days prior to the meeting.
Virtual Room
Meeting ID
Phone Numbers
(US)+1 423-707-2672
PIN: 464 383 456#
Chatfield Watershed Authority Schedule 2025 - Revised 2.19.2025

CWA Technical Advisory Committee Monthly Meeting
The CWA Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is a standing committee of the Authority that reports to the CWA Board and performs duties and tasks as the Board directs to the extent requested by the Board. The TAC shall consider and report to the Board on all Authority matters of a scientific or technical nature. The Technical Advisory Committee's findings and recommendations on these matters are forwarded to the Board for full consideration. Meeting agenda and materials will be available three business days prior to the meeting.
Chatfield Watershed Authority Schedule 2025 - Revised 2.19.2025

CWA Technical Advisory Committee Monthly Meeting
The CWA Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is a standing committee of the Authority that reports to the CWA Board and performs duties and tasks as the Board directs to the extent requested by the Board. The TAC shall consider and report to the Board on all Authority matters of a scientific or technical nature. The Technical Advisory Committee's findings and recommendations on these matters are forwarded to the Board for full consideration. Meeting agenda and materials will be available three business days prior to the meeting.
CWA Board Meeting
Regular meetings of the CWA Board are held quarterly or at other regular intervals and at such time and place as determined by the Board. The Board may provide by resolution the time and place within the State of Colorado for the holding of regular meetings. All the meetings of the Board, other than executive sessions, are open to the public. No vote or other formal action shall be taken in any session which is closed to the general public.
Meeting agenda and materials will be available three business days prior to the meeting.
US Army Corps of Engineers
9307 S Wadsworth Blvd.
Littleton, CO 80127

CWA Technical Advisory Committee Monthly Meeting
The CWA Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is a standing committee of the Authority that reports to the CWA Board and performs duties and tasks as the Board directs to the extent requested by the Board. The TAC shall consider and report to the Board on all Authority matters of a scientific or technical nature. The Technical Advisory Committee's findings and recommendations on these matters are forwarded to the Board for full consideration. Meeting agenda and materials will be available three business days prior to the meeting.
2025-2029 CWA Prioritized Projects List and Budget 12-3-2024
2015 Watershed Plan Projects Education and Outreach Actions Comparison to 2025 Projects List
12272024 Potential Restructuring of CWA Board Legal Report January TAC Meeting
Chatfield WA TN Site Specific Standard Meeting Summary_12.19.2024
Chatfield State Park Fee Processing Meeting Summary_12.10.2024

CWA Technical Advisory Committee Monthly Meeting
The CWA Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is a standing committee of the Authority that reports to the CWA Board and performs duties and tasks as the Board directs to the extent requested by the Board. The TAC shall consider and report to the Board on all Authority matters of a scientific or technical nature. The Technical Advisory Committee's findings and recommendations on these matters are forwarded to the Board for full consideration.
Meeting agenda and materials will be available three business days prior to the meeting.
This meeting is canceled - CWA Board Meeting
Meeting is canceled
Meeting is canceled 〰️
Regular meetings of the CWA Board are held quarterly or at other regular intervals and at such time and place as determined by the Board. The Board may provide by resolution the time and place within the State of Colorado for the holding of regular meetings. All the meetings of the Board, other than executive sessions, are open to the public. No vote or other formal action shall be taken in any session which is closed to the general public.
Meeting agenda and materials will be available three business days prior to the meeting.
Virtual Only

CWA Technical Advisory Committee Monthly Meeting
The CWA Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is a standing committee of the Authority that reports to the CWA Board and performs duties and tasks as the Board directs to the extent requested by the Board. The TAC shall consider and report to the Board on all Authority matters of a scientific or technical nature. The Technical Advisory Committee's findings and recommendations on these matters are forwarded to the Board for full consideration. Meeting agenda and materials will be available three business days prior to the meeting.
CWA Board Meeting
Regular meetings of the CWA Board are held quarterly or at other regular intervals and at such time and place as determined by the Board. The Board may provide by resolution the time and place within the State of Colorado for the holding of regular meetings. All the meetings of the Board, other than executive sessions, are open to the public. No vote or other formal action shall be taken in any session which is closed to the general public.
Meeting agenda and materials will be available three business days prior to the meeting.
Hybrid | Live & Virtual
Live Address:
Castle Rock Water - Administration & Customer Service Building
175 Kellogg Court, A&CS Meeting Room 136*
Building 171
Castle Rock, CO 80109
Meeting ID
Phone Numbers
(US)+1 402-603-2130
PIN: 131 888 591#

Canceled - CWA Technical Advisory Committee Monthly Meeting
This meeting is canceled.
This meeting is canceled. 〰️
The CWA Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is a standing committee of the Authority that reports to the CWA Board and performs duties and tasks as the Board directs to the extent requested by the Board. The TAC shall consider and report to the Board on all Authority matters of a scientific or technical nature. The Technical Advisory Committee's findings and recommendations on these matters are forwarded to the Board for full consideration.

CWA Technical Advisory Committee Monthly Meeting
The CWA Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is a standing committee of the Authority that reports to the CWA Board and performs duties and tasks as the Board directs to the extent requested by the Board. The TAC shall consider and report to the Board on all Authority matters of a scientific or technical nature. The Technical Advisory Committee's findings and recommendations on these matters are forwarded to the Board for full consideration.
Wildfire Mitigation Cost-Share Program: Application Deadline September 2nd
Douglas County’s Wildfire Mitigation Cost-Sharing Program will help residents and communities mitigate private land against the risk of wildfire. This program aims to increase the pace and scale of private wildfire mitigation efforts, overcome financial barriers to completing mitigation, and build community capacity across Douglas County.
Wildfire mitigation projects will be awarded through a competitive application process. Applications will be accepted from Aug. 12 – Sept 2. Successful projects will be awarded in contacted in late-September with the next steps. Eligible projects will focus on creating defensible space, reducing vegetation densities, and disrupting the continuity of fuels in and around communities and individual properties in the wildland-urban interface. Project proposals must reflect accepted science-based mitigation best practices for the present vegetation types.
Funds will be distributed following the completion of the project, certification of all work by Douglas County wildfire mitigation staff, and proof of 50% payment.
Questions? Click here for answers to frequently asked questions.

Hybrid-CWA Technical Advisory Committee Monthly Meeting
The CWA Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is a standing committee of the Authority that reports to the CWA Board and performs duties and tasks as the Board directs to the extent requested by the Board. The TAC shall consider and report to the Board on all Authority matters of a scientific or technical nature. The Technical Advisory Committee's findings and recommendations on these matters are forwarded to the Board for full consideration.
Hybrid Meeting
Live Location: Live at USACE
9307 S Wadsworth Blvd, Littleton, CO 80128
Enter from Deer Creek Road
There is a road closed sign – drive around it.
Followed by Chatfield Dam Tower Tour
Virtual Room:
CWA Board Meeting
Regular meetings of the CWA Board are held quarterly or at other regular intervals and at such time and place as determined by the Board. The Board may provide by resolution the time and place within the State of Colorado for the holding of regular meetings. All the meetings of the Board, other than executive sessions, are open to the public. No vote or other formal action shall be taken in any session which is closed to the general public.
Chatfield WA Board Agenda_July 15 2024_Final
Chatfield Watershed Authority Budget Planning Workbook 2025-2029 Version 7-15-24
Urban South Platte Region Education & Outreach Collaboration
Hybrid | Live & Virtual
Live Address:
100 Jefferson County Parkway
Golden, CO 80419
Directions and parking details
Parking – once through the roundabout, head toward the building, guests canpark in either of the top-level parking areas to the left or right
Enter the building and go to your left (unsecured side)
Once at elevators, head to your right and look for signs for ChatfieldWatershed Authority/Faye Griffin Room (just pass Hearing Room 1)
Meeting ID
Phone Numbers
(US)+1 570-415-1217
PIN: 172 676 629#

CWA Technical Advisory Committee Monthly Meeting
The CWA Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is a standing committee of the Authority that reports to the CWA Board and performs duties and tasks as the Board directs to the extent requested by the Board. The TAC shall consider and report to the Board on all Authority matters of a scientific or technical nature. The Technical Advisory Committee's findings and recommendations on these matters are forwarded to the Board for full consideration.
Sterling Ranch Community Clean Up
Sterling Ranch Community Clean Up
Each year, Sterling Ranch adopts a portion of Titan Road as part of the county's Adopt-A-Road program. Sterling Ranch is looking for volunteers to help us clean up our portion. Join us to be a part of a better, cleaner Sterling Ranch! For information and how to volunteer go to Sterling Ranch Community Authority Board.

HYBRID: CWA Technical Advisory Committee Monthly Meeting
Hybrid meeting with live portion at Chatfield State Park
Hybrid meeting with live portion at Chatfield State Park 〰️
The CWA Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is a standing committee of the Authority that reports to the CWA Board and performs duties and tasks as the Board directs to the extent requested by the Board. The TAC shall consider and report to the Board on all Authority matters of a scientific or technical nature. The Technical Advisory Committee's findings and recommendations on these matters are forwarded to the Board for full consideration.
Venue change for the live location for the June 4th hybrid TAC meeting.
The location information is below with a new map. We hope to see you there. There will be a site visit to the fish hatchery after the regularly scheduled meeting.
The TAC meeting location is The Volunteer House. A pin for it is It's the 2nd brick ranch house.

CWA Technical Advisory Committee Monthly Meeting
The CWA Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is a standing committee of the Authority that reports to the CWA Board and performs duties and tasks as the Board directs to the extent requested by the Board. The TAC shall consider and report to the Board on all Authority matters of a scientific or technical nature. The Technical Advisory Committee's findings and recommendations on these matters are forwarded to the Board for full consideration. Meeting agenda and materials will be available three business days prior to the meeting.
CWA Board Meeting
Regular meetings of the CWA Board are held quarterly or at other regular intervals and at such time and place as determined by the Board. The Board may provide by resolution the time and place within the State of Colorado for the holding of regular meetings. All the meetings of the Board, other than executive sessions, are open to the public. No vote or other formal action shall be taken in any session which is closed to the general public.
Hybrid | Live & Virtual
Live Address:
Castle Rock Water - Administration & Customer Service Building
175 Kellogg Court, A&CS Meeting Room 136*
Building 171
Castle Rock, CO 80109
Meeting ID
Phone Numbers
(US)+1 860-909-0940
PIN: 822 754 319#

CWA Technical Advisory Committee Monthly Meeting
The CWA Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is a standing committee of the Authority that reports to the CWA Board and performs duties and tasks as the Board directs to the extent requested by the Board. The TAC shall consider and report to the Board on all Authority matters of a scientific or technical nature. The Technical Advisory Committee's findings and recommendations on these matters are forwarded to the Board for full consideration.

CWA Technical Advisory Committee Monthly Meeting
The CWA Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is a standing committee of the Authority that reports to the CWA Board and performs duties and tasks as the Board directs to the extent requested by the Board. The TAC shall consider and report to the Board on all Authority matters of a scientific or technical nature. The Technical Advisory Committee's findings and recommendations on these matters are forwarded to the Board for full consideration.

CWA Technical Advisory Committee Monthly Meeting
The CWA Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is a standing committee of the Authority that reports to the CWA Board and performs duties and tasks as the Board directs to the extent requested by the Board. The TAC shall consider and report to the Board on all Authority matters of a scientific or technical nature. The Technical Advisory Committee's findings and recommendations on these matters are forwarded to the Board for full consideration.
CWA Board Meeting
Regular meetings of the CWA Board are held quarterly or at other regular intervals and at such time and place as determined by the Board. The Board may provide by resolution the time and place within the State of Colorado for the holding of regular meetings. All the meetings of the Board, other than executive sessions, are open to the public. No vote or other formal action shall be taken in any session which is closed to the general public.
Hybrid | Live & Virtual
Live Address:
100 Jefferson County Parkway
Golden, CO 80419
Directions and parking details
Parking – once through the roundabout, head toward the building, guests canpark in either of the top-level parking areas to the left or right
Enter the building and go to your left (unsecured side)
Once at elevators, head to your right and look for signs for ChatfieldWatershed Authority/Faye Griffin Room (just pass Hearing Room 1)
Meeting ID
Phone Numbers
(US)+1 216-930-9015
PIN: 970 906 400#

CWA Technical Advisory Committee Monthly Meeting
The CWA Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is a standing committee of the Authority that reports to the CWA Board and performs duties and tasks as the Board directs to the extent requested by the Board. The TAC shall consider and report to the Board on all Authority matters of a scientific or technical nature. The Technical Advisory Committee's findings and recommendations on these matters are forwarded to the Board for full consideration.

Canceled: CWA Technical Advisory Committee Monthly Meeting
The December TAC Meeting is canceled.
The December TAC Meeting is canceled. 〰️
The CWA Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is a standing committee of the Authority that reports to the CWA Board and performs duties and tasks as the Board directs to the extent requested by the Board. The TAC shall consider and report to the Board on all Authority matters of a scientific or technical nature. The Technical Advisory Committee's findings and recommendations on these matters are forwarded to the Board for full consideration. Meeting agenda and materials will be available three business days prior to the meeting.
CWA Board Meeting
Regular meetings of the CWA Board are held quarterly or at other regular intervals and at such time and place as determined by the Board. The Board may provide by resolution the time and place within the State of Colorado for the holding of regular meetings. All the meetings of the Board, other than executive sessions, are open to the public. No vote or other formal action shall be taken in any session which is closed to the general public.
Chatfield WA Board _November 20 2023_Agenda_Final
ACTION MEMORANDUM_CWA_2024 Budget and 2024-2028 Planning Budget
Chatfield Watershed Authority Budget Planning Workbook 2024-2028 Version 10-31-2023
11142023 Action Memo for November Board Meeting with Data Sharing Agreement (00162927xD2C75)
Roxborough Letter of Support Template and WaterSMART Grant Proposal Information
ACTION MEMORANDUM_CWA_2024 Site Specific Standards Development Proposal
Chatfield Watershed Authority Confluence at the Confluence 2023 Annual Conference Final
11142023 Legal Report for November Board Meeting (00162935xD2C75)
Hybrid | Live & Virtual
Live Address:
Douglas County Sheriff Substation, Community Room
9250 Zotos Drive
Highlands Ranch, CO 80129
Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Click here to join the meeting<>
Meeting ID: 244 744 625 02
Passcode: TBtdW2
Download Teams<> | Join on the web<>
Or call in (audio only)
+1 720-739-2066,,656978206#<tel:+17207392066,,656978206#> United States, Denver
Phone Conference ID: 656 978 206#
Find a local number<> | Reset PIN<>
Learn More<> | Meeting options<>

CWA Technical Advisory Committee Monthly Meeting
The CWA Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is a standing committee of the Authority that reports to the CWA Board and performs duties and tasks as the Board directs to the extent requested by the Board. The TAC shall consider and report to the Board on all Authority matters of a scientific or technical nature. The Technical Advisory Committee's findings and recommendations on these matters are forwarded to the Board for full consideration.
Chatfield TAC October 3, 2023, Meeting Minutes
Chatfield TAC 10.31.2023 Invoices Combined
ACTION MEMORANDUM_CWA_2024 Budget and 2024-2028 Planning Budget
Roxborough Template Support Letter
ACTION MEMORANDUM_CWA_2024 Site Specific Standards Development Proposal
10242023 TAC Memo Re Regulation 38 ISH (00161693-2xD2C75)
a. Supplemental 1 AIM Reg 38 Letter
Meeting ID
Phone Numbers
(US)+1 470-207-5852
PIN: 147 402 775#
CWA Board Meeting
Regular meetings of the CWA Board are held quarterly or at other regular intervals and at such time and place as determined by the Board. The Board may provide by resolution the time and place within the State of Colorado for the holding of regular meetings. All the meetings of the Board, other than executive sessions, are open to the public. No vote or other formal action shall be taken in any session which is closed to the general public.
Chatfield WA Board_October 16 2023_Agenda_Final
Chatfield WA Board _July 17 2023_Minutes_v2
Chatfield Watershed Authority Budget Planning Workbook 2024-2028 Version 10-16-2023
Chatfield Watershed Authority 2022 Annual Report WQCC Presentation Final
Hybrid | Live & Virtual
Live Address
100 Jefferson County Parkway
Golden, CO 80419
Directions and parking details
Parking – once through the roundabout, head toward the building, guests can park in either of the top-level parking areas to the left or right
Enter the building and go to your left (unsecured side)
Once at elevators, head to your right and look for signs for Chatfield Watershed Authority/Faye Griffin Room (just pass Hearing Room 1)
Google Meet Virtual Room

CWA Technical Advisory Committee Monthly Meeting
The CWA Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is a standing committee of the Authority that reports to the CWA Board and performs duties and tasks as the Board directs to the extent requested by the Board. The TAC shall consider and report to the Board on all Authority matters of a scientific or technical nature. The Technical Advisory Committee's findings and recommendations on these matters are forwarded to the Board for full consideration.
TAC Chatfield WA _October 3 2023_Agenda_Final
Chatfield Watershed Authority Budget Planning Workbook 2024-2028 Version 8-29-2023
Website News Announcement - Preservation of 204 acres of open space via a conservation easement, Douglas County
Meeting ID
Phone Numbers
(US)+1 414-909-7804
PIN: 921 243 082#

CWA Technical Advisory Committee Monthly Meeting
The CWA Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is a standing committee of the Authority that reports to the CWA Board and performs duties and tasks as the Board directs to the extent requested by the Board. The TAC shall consider and report to the Board on all Authority matters of a scientific or technical nature. The Technical Advisory Committee's findings and recommendations on these matters are forwarded to the Board for full consideration.
Meeting ID
Phone Numbers
(US)+1 414-909-7804
PIN: 921 243 082#

CWA Technical Advisory Committee Monthly Meeting
The CWA Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is a standing committee of the Authority that reports to the CWA Board and performs duties and tasks as the Board directs to the extent requested by the Board. The TAC shall consider and report to the Board on all Authority matters of a scientific or technical nature. The Technical Advisory Committee's findings and recommendations on these matters are forwarded to the Board for full consideration.
Meeting ID
Phone Numbers
(US)+1 414-909-7804
PIN: 921 243 082#