Technical Reports
The Authority sampling and analysis plan is approved by the Water Quality Control Division.
The monitoring plan titled 2003-2005 Chatfield Watershed Authority: Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP), Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Version 2.0, January 1, 2003 describes the basic monitoring program for the Chatfield Watershed. The Authority is reviewing the QAPP for necessary updates and revisions.
QAPPMonitoring Program Update - Effective 2008Technical Paper #1 (pdf)
Technical Paper #2a - Chatfield Reservoir Chlorophyll Standard (pdf)
Technical Paper 2b - Chlorophyll Distribution (pdf)
Technical Paper 2c - Chlorophyll Averaging Period (pdf)
Session 3 - Creating a Concentration Translator to Link Chlorophyll & Nutrients (pdf)
Session 4 - Chatfield Reservoir Phosphorus Load Calculations (pdf)
Massey Draw Abstract (pdf)Chatfield Hydrologic Scenario (ppt)
DEC Chatfield Reservoir Phosphorus Budget (ppt)
DEC Chatfield Reservoir Water Budget (ppt)
Chatfield Reservoir Load Translator (ppt)
Estimating Allowable Phosphorus Load to Chatfield Reservoir (ppt)